Saturday, March 14, 2020

Pine Needle Foam Soap

White Pine Foam Soap
Combine the castile soap and essential oils in the bottle and shake well. You’re done!  This recipe only makes 2oz or 1/4 cup. 
We recommend starting with the above recipe to see if you like the soap.  The average commercial pump soap bottle is 8oz. If so you can triple which will almost fill at cleaned commercial pump soap bottle.  We believe in recycling everything.
There is a reason that a lot of natural cleaners smell like conifer essential oils—the conifers are great at getting rid of germs! This is true of Pine and its friends in the conifer group, like Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea), and Black Spruce (Picea mariana).
Here is a list of essential oils you can use for disinfecting and cleaning:  
 ©Copyright 2015-2020 J&J Farm; JnJFarmKY; JnJFarmVA

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