Sunday, January 22, 2017

GMO Apples Will Be Available in Some Stores Starting in February

How many ways have you tried to prevent apple slices from browning in your kids' lunch boxes?
Maybe you've dipped freshly cut slices in orange juice — perhaps you've tried lemon juice. Both distort that crisp and delicious apple taste and, most of the time, slices ended up brown by lunchtime anyway. It's quite the conundrum.

Scientists, however, have gotten to the core (pun intended) of the browning issue. Two years ago, the US Department of Agriculture approved the country's first genetically modified apples, which are now anticipated to hit Midwestern shelves in February and March. The first apples to undergo genetic modification are the Golden Delicious variety — with emphasis on the gold.
What's so bad about browning, anyway? Browning doesn't make apples inedible or indicate rotting — it's simply the result of an oxygenation process — but does, admittedly, make for a less appealing snack.

Neal Carter, the founder and president of Okanagan Specialty Fruits, the company responsible for manufacturing the GMO apples, says these new fruits will change that. "It's a great product and the eating quality is excellent," he told the Capital Press, purporting increased crispiness as another benefit.

While browning is more of a cosmetic issue, Okanagan Specialty Fruits claims that natural oxygenation leads stores and producers to spray preventative chemicals to stop the process, something that not all families support.

Then again, not all families support GMOs in general — they've caused quite the controversy in past years, with many claiming negative side effects. Okanagan is, however, willing submit their apples to the FDA for review, where they were approved. The FDA concluded that GMO apples are no different from traditionally grown varieties, and are, therefore, perfectly safe to munch on.

We asked Good Housekeeping's Nutrition Director Jaclyn London, MS, RD, CDN for her input. "To-date, the overwhelming body of scientific evidence does not support deleterious effects of consuming GMO crops," London explained, but claims that more research is needed to determine longterm health effects. "That said, there are plenty of other questions and concerns that arise when considering non-browning, GMO apples in the marketplace."

Will they taste good? Are their physical properties the same as regular apples? Are their nutritional properties the same? Will they see success on supermarket shelves? We should have these questions in mind, said London, when approaching genetically modified food.

Since the apples will only be available in the Midwest, where they will be sold sliced, in packages, some of us won't encounter them any time soon. We should still be on alert, however, said London, since we do experience GMOs, especially in processed foods. "Your best bet is to limit these foods (e.g. Sugary beverages) and load up on canned, fresh, or frozen produce — organic or conventionally grown — as much as possible!" explained London.

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